Terresa Bakner to Present on Planning Case Law Update – June 8
- Category: Featured Land Use and Development

The Capital District Regional Planning Commission (CDRPC), a regional planning and resource center, will hold its Spring Webinar Series weekly on Wednesdays and Fridays from May 4 to June 8. Whiteman Osterman & Hanna Land Use Partner Terresa Bakner will present on Planning Case Law Update on Wednesday, June 8. The goal of this session is to provide guidance on how to prepare an administrative record to withstand an Article 78 challenge to a decision by a legislative body or by a land use board. Recent notable cases will be reviewed and discussed in detail to evaluate how judges are examining administrative records of decisions on basic types of approvals such as adoption of changes to zoning codes, compliance with SEQRA, decisions to grant or deny site plan, subdivision and special use permits and decisions to grant or deny requests for use and/or area variances. Principals will be drawn from these cases to assist these Boards in future decision-making.
If you would like to attend the Planning Case Law Update session or any of the other sessions, please click here to view the sessions being offered and to purchase tickets.