
Beth A. Bourassa
ALBANY Office:
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One Commerce Plaza
19th Floor
Albany, NY 12260

Beth A. Bourassa
Ms. Bourassa is senior counsel at Whiteman Osterman & Hanna, where she has practiced since 1990. She represents public and private sector management in broad areas of employment law, with a particular focus on the defense of federal court employment discrimination actions. She also advises public school district clients of the Firm on a wide range of education law issues, including special education.
Defense of federal and State court employment discrimination actions, including several verdicts for the defense in federal court jury trials, successful summary judgment motions, and appellate practice.
Represent school district management in disciplinary actions against employees under the New York State Civil Service Law and the New York State Education Law; arbitration proceedings arising under collective bargaining agreements; Article 78 proceedings; special education hearings and appeals; appeals to the Commissioner of the State Education Department; Title IX and other civil rights investigations by the Office of Civil Rights; and federal court civil rights actions.
Provide counseling and advice to management with respect to a wide range of regulatory matters including the Fair Labor Standards Act, the Family and Medical Leave Act, and other employment law issues. Represent management in a variety of matters before the United States and New York State Departments of Labor, including investigations and enforcement actions arising out of alleged minimum wage/overtime and child labor law violations.
Provide counseling and advice to school districts on a broad range of education law issues, including special education, teacher tenure issues, student discipline, student residency, and municipal law requirements.
Ms. Bourassa is a member of the New York State Bar Association and the Labor and Employment Law Section of that bar association. She is also a member of the National and New York State Councils of School Attorneys. She is admitted to the bars of New YorkState and the United States Supreme Court, the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, and the United States District Court for the Northern District of New York.
Albany Law School (J.D., valedictorian and summa cum laude, 1990; Executive Editor of the Albany Law Review)
Colby College (B.A., cum laude, 1980).
Prior to attending law school, Ms. Bourassa was employed as a personnel supervisor and a vocational training coordinator.